Maryl Petreccia


Maryl Petreccia is an entrepreneur, a dancer, an author and known as the Joy Expert. After experiencing nine losses in seven years, she found herself in a depth of loss few people experience.  She knew she had to crawl out to honor the vows she gave to her late husband and the commitment she was making to her daughter. Through her transition from grief to joy, Maryl saw that if she could do it, anyone experiencing grief and life’s moments of transition could do it, too.  She had to share what she learned. From that sprang her book, GPS To Joy, Navigating life's turbulence and toughest transitions to find your new direction. From becoming an entrepreneur at 21, to discovering and writing GPS to Joy, today she’s now living life at an 11+.

To learn more about Maryl, hear her story and sage advice listen to her episode of Powerful Ladies Podcast.

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