Sarah Kuhn


Sarah grew up in Norwalk, California where she attended a super small school - there were only 4 people in her 4th Grade class! He father is an elevator engineer working across LA including places such as Netflix Studios. Her mother stayed at home and worked in her school. Since 1st Grade Sarah’s been a Christian. When asked how she knew so young, she says she just knew. If felt right then just like it still does today.

After Norwalk, her family moved to Chino, California a diary town on the rise when she landed there in 8th grade. She met her high schools sweetheart who she dated through her mid twenties. She thought she’d be a flight attendant and then 9/11 happened. It wasn’t fear that changed her career path, but the lack of available jobs during post 9/11 layoffs. Instead she followed her other passion of fashion merchandising and attended FIDM in Los Angeles.

Upon graduation she stared her career as a buyer and a planner for fashion brands throughout Southern California from working at the California Mart to Drapers & Damon to Tilly’s where she worked for 10 years.

After going through a hard lawsuit and then a tough breakup with her high school love, Sarah realized she had lost her joy. The spark was missing and it was a funk she struggled to get out of. She could feel that she was off her intended path and started praying to be given guidance. Then one New Years Eve a few years ago, she decided to declare joy for herself. She’d make this next year all about bringing the joy back into her life. Appreciate the simple pleasures, being grateful, being a yes to creating and choosing joy. She changed her instagram handle that night to and hasn’t looked back.

The comments, support and feedback from her community surprised her. Her personal journey to discover more joy was making an impact in ways she had never expected. She sparkle started coming back and she realized she had found her path again.

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Thomas Claesen

Owner & designer at Clawsun. Originally from Belgium, but now located in Nashville, TN. Drumline instructor in my free time.

Candice Carlton


Athena Sippel