Candice Carlton


Candice has never been more free or happy and she’s hear to guide you to your own path to happiness.

Born in Zimbabwe, Candice attended high school and university in Cape Town, South Africa. Communications have always been a driving force in her passions. Originally she wanted to be a fashion journalist. Then she started university with desires to be a lawyer to capitalize on her debate skills. Then she made a pivot to study finance & economics instead being pulled into the allure of the work and the people. She started working at a trade desk and found herself being pulled back into the world of communications. Until about two years ago she was the Director of Communications within the financial world.

She was good at her job. You could even say she loved her job and yet, she still felt a tugging in her heart that she was made for something more. Through her spiritual practice, through yoga, and through meditation she started to hear and then listen to her inner voice and her intuition. It was scary to start but she knew that listening to her heart she would find more complete happiness. She left her high powered corporate job and began to freelance and consult.

Since then she founded and hosts the Cubical Revolution Podcast where she interviews people who have left their structured corporate careers to follow the path less traveled, but most importantly the path designed just for them. Additionally she’s build her own consultancy, C Squared Consulting. Initially this new path brought her to Portland, Oregon and she’s since returned to Orange County, California where she’s happy to be back in the sunshine and feeling more empowered than ever.

To follow, support, and connect with Candice:

Thomas Claesen

Owner & designer at Clawsun. Originally from Belgium, but now located in Nashville, TN. Drumline instructor in my free time.

Lauren Butler


Sarah Kuhn