Sasha Sagan


Sasha Sagan grew up in Ithaca, NY the daughter of astronomer and educator, Carl Sagan, and Ann Druyan, a filmmaker, producer, writer and science communicator. As you could imagine in a science-lead household, she grew up always knowing that girls are great at math and science. She also grew up with a scientific and not theistic belief system that shapes the path of her incredible book, For Small Creatures Such As We. Part memoir, part guide to celebrating life, relationships, and the wonders of our planet & universe, Sasha’s book is charming, smart, and impactful. You should absolutely read it as soon as possible.

In addition to growing up surrounded by science, Sasha also grew up with a close group of girl friends who are still her her tribe & support system today. Upon moving to New York City to attend NYU, she expanded her circle of amazing and powerful women, met her husband, and began her career in filmmaking, writing, and producing.

When not working on a new project, Sasha’s exploring Boston with her daughter and husband. To learn more about Sasha, hear her story and learn more about her amazing book, listen to her episode of Powerful Ladies Podcast.

To connect, support or follow Sasha and read her new book you can:

Thomas Claesen

Owner & designer at Clawsun. Originally from Belgium, but now located in Nashville, TN. Drumline instructor in my free time.

Marjan Koosha Johnson


Natasha Dressler