Episode 141: How to Live on a Boat, Travel the World & Launch a New Business by Sea with Erin Carey
“Serendipitous moments happen all the time, once we decided to do it, where they can’t just be a coincidence. The universe conspires to make our dreams come true. ”
I am very excited for you to meet Erin Carey. She’s the founder of the PR Agency Roam, which she created on and runs from the boat she and her family live in while they sail the world. Yes, she’s that cool! We discuss how she, her husband and three kids ended up living on a boat, why we must go after a life that is our own design, how to get internet anywhere in the world, and what it really looks like when we say yes to the universe. All that and so much more!
To connect, support, and follow Erin Carey:
Instagram: @roamgeneration
Twitter: @roamgeneration
Facebook: @roamgeneration
Website: roamgeneration.com
LinkedIn: roamgeneration
Email: erin@roamgeneration.com
Other: admin@roamgeneration.com
Show Notes & Things We Discussed:
Director & Founder of Roam Generation
Monesti, Tunisia, Africa
SV Delos - YouTube Channel
Where The Magic Happens - book
Erin Hansen
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic