Episode 19 : Andrea Spinelli
“The magic part is what I believed in. It makes you believe in yourself and I had to believe in myself in order to do the things I did.”
Andrea Spinelli is a storyteller who has used her gift of writing, producing, researching, being curious and making people feel comfortable to create commercials, documentaries, films and events. She’s been an entrepreneur since 1973 when she founded Studio 27. Since then she’s learned how to survive loss, the pressures of taking care of a family, and overcome decades of sexism in the corporate world. She’s also my great aunt and one of the first Powerful Ladies I ever got to meet. On this episode she shares when she first started to campaign against injustice, the women’s movement through the decades of her life, and where she’s found her strength to keep going.
To follow, support and connect with Andrea you can:
Visit her website www.studio27media.com
Email her at andrea@studio27media.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Fairleigh Dickenson
Hackensack Meadowlands Commission
New York City
Brooklyn, NY
Shoreroad Hospital
Ridgefield, CT
Isabell M Paterson (book editor NY Herald Tribune & author & friend of Ann Rand)
Father, Frank Spinelli, Head of the composing room at the NY Herald Tribune
Ann Rand
Paterson NJ (silk of the 1900’s)
Umbrella Academy (Society)
MRS. Degree
Vietnam War
House on American Activities
1967 March on the Pentagon
Rennie Davis - student no-violent coordinating committee
Average income in Germany vs the US
Library of Congress
Yom Kippur War
Women who Inspired You:
Daphne - natural history museum & sloan kettering
Louis - family court judge
Pam - attorney
Joanie - CIU Center for Inter-religious Understanding
Recommendations for Single Working Moms:
Muscle through it
Take care of yourself
Lean in on our girlfriends. Keep powerful women in your circle. Trust them. They’ll always be there for you.
Favorite Quote:
Johan Gurtha “whatever you can dream or do you can. Begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic