Episode 218: Christina Minutillo | Podcaster, Author, Cook & Host
“Chase after your light and what matters to you. It can give you access to everything. ”
What lights you up? How much time do you spend a day or a week or even a month on the things that bring you joy? This week’s new Powerful Ladies Podcast guest, Christina Minutillo, has pivoted her life to focus exclusively on what lights her and others up. After accidentally creating her first book, she realized how her life, community and mindset shifted simply by following her joy. Since then she’s created a podcast “What Lights Us Up” to share the stories of other’s choosing their joy and how that changes their lives.
To connect, support, and follow guest:
Instagram: cm_design_books
YouTube: What Light’s Us Up
Facebook: cmdesignbooks
Website: christinaminutillo.com
LinkedIn: chrismin
Email: cmdesignbooks@gmail.com
Author, Host, Cook and Podcaster
Expanded to be Magnetic Podcast
The Upside Podcast
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic