Episode 50 : Hannah Diffenderffer
“If you are not adding any value, then why even bother with the likes and follower count? The real question to ask is, “What can I offer to the digital universe so that they want to like or follow my pages?”
There is so much information out there about how businesses can use social media to reach their goals. Courses, programs, youtube videos, blogs, expert opinions, you name it. In this episode we sit down with Hannah Diffenderffer, a Social Media Manager & Strategist to find out the truth about social media. What do we need to do? What’s fluff? Is social media hurting our businesses? Is it harming future generations? Plus she reveals her journey through the industry and how it’s led to her discovering how powerful she truly is.
To connect, support, follow Hannah you can:
Instagram: @hannah_diff
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-diffenderffer-4a4355112/
Email: hannahdiff00@gmail.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Costa Mesa
Cal State Fullerton
Samantha Jones
Sexy in the City
Website: www.thepowerfulladies.com
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Behind the Lids Healing Collective
Later Blog
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic