Episode 73: Raiza Licea
“I want to use my platform to influence people and inspire them and help any way I can. We need Latinx voices to be lifted up.
Raize Licea is an improv comedian, actor, podcastor, creator, host, activist and BOSS at creating spaces for latinx voices to be heard in comedy. We recorded this episode during Covid19 quarantine via zoom, pre black lives matter protests, and at the time didn’t realize how foreshadowing this conversation would be. In this episode we talk about how she created Spanish Aqui Presents, her perspective of the world as a Cuban-American from Miami, and why it matters to her that she paves the way for people coming up behind her and voices that aren’t heard. Plus why she loves basketball and cats. All that and so much more!
To connect, support, and follow Raiza you can follow or visit:
Her Instagram: @raizalicea
Instagram for the Spanish Aqui Presents Podcast: @spanishaquipresents
Website: www.raizalicea.com
Spanish Aqui Presents Podcast Link: https://www.earwolf.com/show/spanish-aqui-presents/
Cool article featuring Raize & SAP: https://uproxx.com/culture/spanish-aqui-presents/
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Harold team
Carlos Santos
Oscar Montoya
Tony Rodriguez
She Wolf
Improvisos Peligros
Jennifer Lopez
Patty Rodriguez
Celia Cruz
Michelle Obama
Bad Bunny
Cinco De Mayo
Che Guevara
Paul Feig
Blake Griffin
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic