Ryann Gaspara


Ryann Gaspara is the badass entrepreneur owner of Gaspara Flora and a vocal supporter of female entrepreneurs. She is well versed in the peaks and valleys of starting your own business and has made it through to the other side. She knows what it’s like to hustle, to start from the ground floor, to doubt the idea and herself, to gain momentum and to be happily surprised when a vision comes to life.

She was born in Ontario, California and attended an all girls school in Pasadena. After high school she attended cosmetology school and found her first career at a salon in La Jolla, California. Impressed with all the Powerful Ladies who came in as guests, she became interested in the non-profit fundraising world and left the salon to manage donors. Still feeling like her full self wasn’t being fully expressed, she made the leap and started Gaspara Flora. Initially she focused on curated and custom wedding gifts, until she realized she hated the wedding industry.

She knew she loved parts of her business - the creativity, the attention to detail, and the premium customer service, so instead of giving up completely, she pivoted to business gifting and found an industry she enjoyed. Since then Gaspara Flora has expanded to create custom hotel amenities giving style, design, and branding to all the customer touches during their stay.

In addition to being an entrepreneur and creative, Ryann is also a wife, step-mom, loyal friend, #1 boss lady supporter, and fun. She’s a believer in the universe supporting you when you lean into your purpose and your path and she’s thankful for all the breadcrumbs the universe has left for her on this wild ride of business owner.

Thomas Claesen

Owner & designer at Clawsun. Originally from Belgium, but now located in Nashville, TN. Drumline instructor in my free time.


P. D. James


Bry Zaragoza