Episode 115: Special Re-Release How To Stay In Your Light
“I focus on staying in the light - doing what I love despite what’s going on in my life.”
One of the few things that may be impossible to grasp, is the true magnitude of your personal impact on the world. Whether you feel powerful or not, you are always leaving an impression. We’ll never know how a few words changed someone’s life or how a simple gesture made all the difference in someone’s world because those actions are folded into who we are every day. When someone you love has passed away, comfort can be found in the unexpected stories shared by strangers revealing the impact your loved one had on them. That’s one way people live on. The echoes of their impressions on the world continue to live on and through others.
Today we are re-releasing our episode featuring Becky Olson. As Powerful Ladies do, Becky took the challenges in her life, including battling cancer five times, as an opportunity to make a difference for others. Already a shining light for her family, after her first cancer diagnosis, she became a beacon of hope for others battling cancer. When her episode first aired, I received more notes than any previous episode about how her story impacted different listeners. To honor her passing on April 24th, 2021, I am happy to share with you again the magic, the light and the laughter that is Becky Olson. May she continue to echo and continue to make an impact.
Support her legacy by donating at breastfriends.org.
To connect, support, and follow Becky you can follow or visit:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/breastfriendsaroundtheglobe/
Website: https://beckyolson.com/
DONATE: Support her legacy by donating at breastfriends.org.
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Elizabeth McGarry
Rubber Soul album from the Beatles
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic