Episode 199: Christie Garcia | Founder of Mindful Choice
“Ego energy is scarcity energy. Anyone who’s successful in business knows there’s enough to go around for everyone. ”
Today’s guest, Christie Garcia, and I share one of my biggest pet peeves about corporate America. We do not train or teach people how to go from being an independent contributor to being a manager or leader. Instead most companies think they’re doing you the employee a favor by giving you a promotion that includes leading people and assume you’ll figure it out. Being a great producer and being a great leader are completely different skill sets. Christie has taken this frustration and created her company the Mindful Choice Leadership Academy where she is helping managers and leaders of all kinds to step into the mindset, approach and perspective that allow them to be not just great, but transformational leaders.
To connect, support, and follow guest:
Instagram: @mindfulchoice_
Facebook: mindfulchoice
Website: mindfulchoiceacademy.com
LinkedIn: mindful-choice-leadership-academy
Mindful Choice Leadership Academy
Ego Management
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic