Episode 235: Reb Masel | Lawyer, TikTok Creator, Podcast Host of Rebuttal
“A country that grants their citizens constitutional rights, that they then decline and refuse to teach their citizens about, has not granted any rights at all. ”
There is a gap in what we, as citizens, know about our constitutional and legal rights. It's a significant part of what makes the law intimidating and frightening when it impacts our lives. Reb Masel is here to rescue us! She's a smart, savvy, and badass attorney who breaks down legal concepts with sass and humor through TikTok and Instagram channels, making it accessible to all. She's a practicing attorney by day and a social media darling 24/7. We cover how the law truly works, who holds the real power, and the madness of what can actually happen in court.
To connect, support, and follow guest:
Instagram: @rebmasel
Twitter: @rebmasel
YouTube: @RebuttalPod
Website: @RebuttalPod
TikTok: @rebmasel
Email: rebuttalwithreb@gmail.com
Delaura - TikTok Creator~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic