Episode 32 : Lauren Bond
“What’s really exciting is when students come to the classroom and they get to offer something new that I have not experienced. They get to teach me about new music, a new cool creative project they’re doing. They get to teach me what’s going on in the world that I may not know about because I’m in my little bubble of work and my own life.”
Lauren Bond is a good friend of mine, a new mom, and an English Professor teaching at the community college and university levels. She’s married to Matt who’s also an English Professor. When they got engaged, they made a commitment not to each other, but also to health and fitness. On this episode we discuss the realities of being a teacher today, if it’s true that universities are pushing a liberal agenda, why teaching is one of the best career paths available, and what it looks like to take on fitness as a couple.
To connect with, support and follow Lauren you can:
Email her at bondlaurenkelley@gmail.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
San Bernardino College
Moreno Valley College
University of Redlands
Long Beach
Moreno Valley
tough mudders
spartan beast run
Rock Climb
Weight Lifting
Avid Tutor
Cal State Fullerton
Social Economics
Eating Animals the book and the Documentary
What the Health? Documentary
One Strange Rock Doc w/ Will Smith on Netflix
Common Core
Ted Radio Hour NPR Podcast
Don’t Fear Math - episode Ted Radio Hour on NPR
Finland Teaching Excellence
Lightning in a Bottle
Ram Dass / Richard Alpert
Favorite Quote: “Treat everyone you meet like they’re god in drag”
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic