Episode 31 : Lynsi Lewis
“We’re told from a really early age that health and beauty is about the way we look and is about how much you weigh. It’s just stepping away from that, especially as women, that our health doesn’t equal our weight.”
Lynsi Lewis is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, an acupuncturist, an herbalist and a yoga teacher who practices out of San Diego, CA. Growing up in small town Alabama, she assumed the only way to help heal people was through traditional medicine. When she discovered holistic, and to us Westerners, alternative medicine, it was a game changer. On this episode we talk about health care in America, the not discussed enough women’s reproductive health, the continuing to be discovered by scientific benefits of acupuncture PLUS how to be your fully expressed self.
To connect with, support and follow Jade you can:
Follow her on Instagram: @drlynsi
Follow her office on Instagram @wellnesslounge_missionbay
Follow her on facebook /lynsilewis
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
San Diego
Enterprise, Alabama
Philadelphia college of Medicine
College of Oriental Medicine
Qigong meditation
Red tent circle
California animal law farms
Joe Rogan
Vegan cat
Burning Man
Ellen DeGeneres
Book: 4 Agreements
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic