Episode 52: Christina Sofia
“We don’t really know our own power and how bright our light shines. We’re all connected.”
There are people you meet who instantly make you calm and present. Christina Sofia is one of those people. She’s a licensed therapist, reiki practitioner, and transformation coach. After knowing that she wasn’t living life to her purpose and it was showing up for her physically, emotionally and spiritually, she knew she had to make a change. By choosing to leave therapy and move into coaching, she’s now able to bring together ancient healing modalities with the modern healing practices to help people in all the ways possible and to heal herself along the way. On this episode we clarify different types of healing, how she discovered this path, and what is it about women in particular that she’s committed to making a difference for. All that and so much more.
To connect, support, hire or follow Christina you can:
Instagram: @_christina_sofia_
Website: www.christinasofia.com
Email: Christina@christinasofia.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Powerful Ladies Meet Ups
Reiki Practitioner
Young Living Essential Oils
Women’s circles
Essential Oils
Emotional Release
Social Work
Holistic Practitioners
Marie Forleo B School
Marianne Williamson
Louise Hay
Gabrielle Bernstein
Marie Forleo
Katie Byron
Alexi Panos
Preston Smiles
Abraham Hicks
For Small Creatures Such as We
Sasha Sagan
Carl Sagan
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic