Episode 53: Stacy Solodkin
“I think that once something happens to you and you live through it, it’s now our duty to help others.
So many of us are waiting for something to happen before we begin living our life. We’re waiting to graduate. We’re waiting to be married. We’re waiting for that new job. We’re waiting until we lose 20 lbs. STOP WAITING. Stacy Solodkin was a casual artist & actor and fulltime owner of an acting talent agency. Then she got cancer. Today she’s not only an entrepreneur but also an artist, actor, owns her own art gallery, got married to the love of her life, and is a cancer survivor. Getting cancer changed everything. Today she lives to make every day her best day and to live her best life NOW. In this episode we talk about all of that plus how changing her diet and alternative treatments saved her life, how her girlfriends came to her rescue and how we’re playing the love game and the life game all wrong. All that and so much more.
To connect, support, or follow Stacy you can:
Instagram: @stacysolodkin , @bethsteinagency
Facebook: /stacysolodkinart
Website: www.stacysolodkin.com
Email: stacysolodkin@gmail.com
Follow her Blog -> Ovarian Cancer:My Journey Through it <3 (facebook blog)
Support her Passion of Volunteering for dogs www.instagram.com/forthosewhocannotspeak
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Kendal DeLaura
The Four Man Plan
Louisville, KY
Ovarian Cancer
Sandford Meisner
City of Hope Hospital
MistleToe Injections
Obama Care
Venice Art Walk
Big Magic
Elizabeth Gilbert
You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
Michelle Obama
Beth Stein & Associates
Jeffrey Tambor
Art & Fear Book
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic