Episode 54: Marina Stirdivant
“Finding intimacy with myself, really loving who I was being and falling in love with me gave me access to connection - with my husband, my studio, our kids, all these new passionate people.
Marina is a gentle powerhouse. She’ll slip into an event, sitting silently, listening calm, present, interested, and smiling. Without her saying a word, the space changes. It’s grounded. It’s more curious. You get the feeling something significant is happening. When she does finally speak, the room is all ears as she drops some profound & simple ah-ha knowledge. This episode is no exception as she brings her whole life to this episode - being a mom, a wife, her relationship, how much the women in her life matter, her businesses, being an entrepreneur, her struggles, what she’s excited about and more. Get ready to be inspired and to have a new bff crush on this Powerful Lady.
To connect, support, or follow Marina you can:
Instagram: @connectstudiospace, @yogarays_
Facebook: /connectstudiospace
Website: conectstudiospace.com, unitedyogastudio.com
Email: marinastrirdivant@gmail.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Connect Studio Space
Orange, CA
Debrah Ibrumhoff - the Being Coach
Marianne Williamson
Return to Love
Brene Brown
Seane Corn
The Revolution of the Soul
Belong - the book
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic