Episode 79: Ronda Brunson
“The word no has no power! I can always turn a no into a yes.”
Ronda Brunson, Ms. B Credit Queen, is a force of nature. She is a powerful lady. She’s a multipreneur who by day help clients build their credit profile, is on the board of the National Association of Credit Counselors, and spends her night and weekends running her other businesses including a travel business. This woman is on fire and I can’t wait for you to hear all the knowledge she drops on this episode. Get ready and get your pens out. You’re going to want to take notes.
To connect, support, and follow Ronda you can follow or visit:
Instagram: @msbrunson_creditqueen
Facebook: /ronda allison brunson
Website: www.msbcredit.com
Email: ronda@msbcreditqueen.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Licensed financial educator
Certified credit counselor
National Association of Credit Counselors
Ms B Credit Queen
Dave Ramsey
Cambridge Analytica
Tony Robbins
The Old Money Book
Preppy Handbook
Sharifah Hardie’s Show
McCormick & Company
Baltimore Church
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Circle Maker
Casey Wilson & Danielle Schneider
Bitch Sesh
The Obamas
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic