Episode 166: Understanding Archetypes, Conscientiousness and the Sacred Journey of Motherhood with Molly Mitchell Hardt
“That’s why I love doing this work. Not only is there an unbelievable potential that we have to tap into, there’s also an unbelievable capacity for destruction.”
As we look deeper into where modern society and our modern habits don’t serve us or align with what we’re committed to, a huge massive void is how we view, approach, appreciate, prepare, support and all the things regarding motherhood. Today’s guest, Molly Mitchell Hardt, has stepped in to repair the journey of motherhood, how it’s approached, and most importantly to support women in their motherhood experience. Whether you’re a mother or not, this episode will highlight how much of our life, society, policies, and simply way of being need to be looked at again because motherhood touches everything. Molly knows being a mother herself and a therapist, she has daily exposure to the impact of the mother character on all of us. I look forward to hearing your ah-ha moments from this episode. Enjoy!
To connect, support, and follow guest:
Instagram: the sacred journey of motherhood & mollymitchell_hardt
Facebook: The Sacred Journey of Motherhood
Website: yoursoulrising.love & thesacredjourneyofmotherhood.com
Show Notes & Things We Discussed:
Private Psychotherapy Practice
Sacred Journey of Motherhood - Cofounder
Becky Whitmore - Cofounder
Depth Psychotherapy & Trauma Resolution
Psychotherapeutic Yoga - Yoga Zama
Study of Birds in the UK learning to open milk bottles
Handmaid’s Tale - book
Handmaid’s Tale - movie
The Four Layers of Consciousness:
The Collective - our inheritance as a human species
Family Origin - your family’s & your origin story
Epigenetics - goes three generations back
Past Lives - Not genetic, but soul level
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic