Episode 30 : Jade Baptiste
“Just one person can make a difference for so many people’s lives and I want that person to be me.”
Jade is incredible. When she walks into a room you are instantly greeted with a huge beautiful smile and she radiates positivity. It’s no surprise to me that her YouTube channel Jaded Journey which is both hilarious and vulnerable as she shares her life focusing on her health and fitness progress is blowing up. She shares with her audience to keep herself accountable all while going to school and working two jobs as a nurse. On this episode she shares why this time her commitment to heath and fitness is sticking, how she stays true to her commitments while both living in the fried food south and expected at Haitian family dinners, PLUS the impact her audience has had on her journey.
To connect with, support and follow Jade you can:
Subscribe to her YouTube Channel /Jaded Journey
Follow her on Instagram @jaded_journey
Follow her on Facebook /Jade FitJourney
Email her at jadefitjourney@gmail.com
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Jaded Journey
Alabama abortion law
6 week law Georgia
Arya Stark
Xena Princess Warrior
Book: Discipline Equals Freedom
Jacko Willink
LPN = licensed practical nurse
What the Health Documentary
Alkaline Vegan
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic