Episode 36 : Erin Machan
“There’s something really magical that happens in an endurance race. Especially when you’re really present and full of gratitude and are open to it because it’s such a crazy trip in your head for that many hours suffering on a bike. For some it sounds absolutely miserable and in some ways it is. At the same time i’ve never started a race and ended it the same person. I always end it with much more appreciation, gratitude and love, I end it so much more grateful for my life.”
Erin Machan is one of the most powerful women I know. She plays life full out in all areas of her life. Life shows up and she’s there to match it. She’s a competitive Cross Country CYCLIST doing crazy things like 24 hour races on her bike, she’s co-founder of the nonprofit Project Bike Love delivering bikes to women and girls around the world, she’s a beast at pushing her life to it’s max and we haven’t even gotten to her day job yet!, One this episode we get into the details of what it means to play full out and show up and be brave and look back and say fuck yeah.
**Project Bike Love
To connect, support, & follow Erin, and of course donate to Project Bike Love you can:
Follow Erin on Instagram: @outdoor_boujee
Follow Erin on Twitter: @erinmachan
Follow Erin on Facebook: /emachan
Visit her Website: www.erinmachan.com
Email her: erin@projectbikelove.org
Visit Project Bike Love’s Website: www.projectbikelove.org
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Project Bike Love
Hello Possibility
Landmark Worldwide
Lugano, Switzerland
Auburn, Alabama
University of Auburn
Equestrian scholarship
University of California Santa Barbara
Freedom Fighter
The magazine called Reason
Free will vs Determinism
Chapman University
The University of Montevallo
Doctors Without Borders
Specialized Bike
Cross Country Cycling
Endurance Racing
Leadville, CO 100
The Surrender Experiment book
Brene Brown
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic