Episode 37 : Courtney Oroszko
“One of the things that Pat said in the message that I have memorized is, “I know this is a tough hand to get dealt, but being as tough as you are and as strong as you are, you’re going to be able to get through this.” And I think that’s such an important lesson.”
Courtney Oroszko is one of my favorite humans. We’re friends from college and she’s one of the strongest, funniest, most wise-ass friends I know. She’s a lawyer, a mother of two, and became a widow when her husband passed away from stage 4 esophageal cancer a few days before their anniversary and their son’s first birthday. On this episode she tells her story, we talk about the good, the tragic, and the humor in life, how she continues to move forward in the wake of tragedies, and why laughing at the dark comedies in life is often the best way to both grieve and heal. Be prepared to cry because you’re laughing and because you’re moved. This episode is dedicated to great Patrick Oroszko.
To connect, support, & follow Courtney you can:
Follow her on Instagram: @Cprice1080
Email her: Courtney.oroszko@gmail.com
Donate to her Jimmy Fund Campaign: http://bndfr.com/XCs9s
SHOW NOTES: Things we mentioned:
Assistant District Attorney
clerk magistrate
Clark University
Law & Order
Law & Order SVU
Ithaca College
John Mulaney
Superior Court
Esophageal Cancer
Dana Farber
Cosby Sweater
Kelly Clarkson
Party in the USA
Chicken Fry by Zach Brown
Option B Book - Sheryl Sandberg
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic