Episode 7 : Marhnelle & Dave Hibbard
“She fulfilled a dream and that’s when you said, show up, stand up, take that risk, go to the skinny edge of the branch and just believe what you want to happen cause that to me is our power. That to me is your personal power. That’s when it gets juicy.”
If you look up Power Couple, the first example is Beyonce & Jay-Z. The second example is Dave and Marhnelle Hibbard. They are the co-founders of DIALEXIS a sales training, mindset & leadership coaching business, as well as public speakers and co-authors of two books SOAR SELLING: How To Get Through to Almost Anyone—the Proven Method for Reaching Decision Makers and The Canoe Theory: A Business Success Strategy for Leaders and Associates. For decades they have been traveling the world coaching executives on leadership and training sales teams on achieving breakthrough numbers for pretty much every major company in the world including Apple, Xerox and Dupont. As successful as their business has been, they also an example of what it looks like to win at home. I’m so inspired by the respect they have for each other, how they’ve grown and evolved together, and how they really do push, balance and elevate each other. I was lucky to meet them when Marhnelle took a personal development program for which I was a coach. Ever since I’ve been looking to her and Dave for inspiration, advice and as a reminder that you CAN create a life beyond your wildest expectations even from nothing. On this episode I was lucky to get them both in the studio and have them share their journey as business people and as a couple who both came from nothing and have exceeded any expectations younger versions of themselves would have ever dreamed of.
To support, follow or get in contact with Marhnelle & Dave you can:
Follow Dialexis on Instagram.
Buy their book Soar Selling. A must have for anyone in the sales world, which let’s be honest is every business!
Buy their book Canoe Theory.
Contact & email them through their Dialexis contact page.
SHOW NOTES: Things We Mentioned:
Gratitude List
Affirmation Book
White Paper
“When I Get Clear It Happens”
Wizard of Oz
Transformational Workshop
Leadership Training
“Getting Clear” - gaining clarity on what you’re next move, purpose, or goal should be as a result of removing unproductive distractions and/or allowing yourself to marinate on it.
“Cleaning Something Up” - to get complete or flat with someone to whom you’ve had a negative impact upon or to whom you didn’t keep you word. It’s to leave someone whole or back to neutral without necessarily apologizing. Taking the morality out of a situation while also removing any upset.
Mother’s Day
Commercial Real Estate
“Looking Good” - being worried about how you appear to others in looks, behavior, positioning, etc vs being authentic or other priorities.
“Maximizing You”
Lion King
“20 Ways for Free Right Now to Claim Some Power”
Right way to shake hands
Self Talk
“The Power of Negative People”
Movie Studio
“Get Shiny” article
“Empty Suit”
Corporate Collateral - your career experience. Similar to financial collateral, but related to your job experience. It’s what makes you a desirable hire.
Dr. Iziki
Jim Carrey
How to Get Clear:
Feed yourself positivity - affirmations
When you feel fearful - be courageous. Start w/ “I need to tell on myself” to share what’s not comfortable for me.
Get rid of all the distractions
Have the courage to want it even though….(fill in what your afraid ego is saying)
Let go of things that are in the way
Declare what you want
Let the universe bring it forth
Give up that it will make sense
Risk, Courage and be Gracious
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic