Episode 264: Maggie Larkin Hicok | Organizational Culture & Leadership Coach
“We need to curate what we’re willing to listen to, what we’re watching, what we’re willing to influence us. We need to have such a discerning mind. It’s so important to be skeptical and really listen for the truth. ”
Being a leader is hard. That's why we all need experts in organizational culture to guide us in stepping into leadership roles effectively. Maggie Larkin Hicok is 👏 that 👏coach 👏. She's smart, compassionate, and a goofball, qualities that make her excellent at her job and enable her to provide valuable perspective to the leaders and teams she works with. We cover a wide range of topics, from how to connect with people virtually, to exercising influence without formal authority, and why embracing your authentic self is the key to answering life's most important questions.
To connect, support, and follow guest:
Instagram: @magglark
LinkedIn: LinkedIn Maggie Larkin Consulting, Inc
Maggie Larkin Consulting, Inc.
600 years of war and peace, in one amazing chart
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Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy
Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic